Exercises connected to training project Course B1

Exercises connected to training project Course B1


These exercises requires that the specific training project Course B1 is available as a demo project. It can be distributed in the basic training course for oil and gas or it can be downloaded from Course B1 . Be aware that the downloaded training course is a zip file and you have to unzip it.

The basic training course will use these exercises as a reference to get a good start working with Geocap in the oil and gas industry. The exercises are also suitable for self training and studying features of the Geocap software.

The primary data in the training project like seismic sections, seismic interpretations, well data, georeferenced image and etopo2 coastline and grid are loaded into the project as described in Importing Data in the user guide and the training tutorial Cultural and Bathymetric Data.

The main goal with these training exercises is then to show the correct use of data; how to visualize data and check quality; how to make the best use of Geocap algorithms and to present presentation graphics on screen and in plotting.

In this section:

The project Course B1

Course B1 is a basic primary training project for oil and gas projects. The data sets are pseudo realistic; i.e. they are from real cases, but transformed to a new place. The size and amount of data are trimmed down in order to make it downloadable. Yet they represent a typical oil and gas case that is suited to demonstrate what Geocap can do with them and how it is done.

For convenience the folders have a prefixed number so they will keep that ordering. A Geocap project has a free structure and the user can have it organized in different ways. A good rule is to have a limited number of top folders and go into the depth when necessary.

How to work with the project.

The training is organized by a set of exercises using input data from the project or creating data from scratch in some cases. The user is free to work and extend Course B1 as the only project or creating a new project that gradually becomes more and more similar to the master project. The latter choice require that one can handle two projects simultaneously and has the advantage that the master project remains undisturbed and the exercises refer correct to it.

But the first choice to use the Course B1 project directly is probably most convenient in a direct exercise situation. Just create parallel folders and data sets whenever needed.

Compatible Geocap release for current *Course B1*

  • Both Geocap and Course B1 are trimmed and upgraded frequently.
  • The current version of the downloadable Course B1 requires the release Geocap 6.0.11 or later.

Course B1 project for Geocap training

Contents of the downloaded file.

The folder *Course B1* contains these folders

  • db contains the project Course B1. Browse in the project by clicking on this folder.
  • plot contains a Postscript file and a pdf file showing a Geocap plot. Also the saveset for the plot and a logo.
  • workflows contains the workflow Seismic and reservoir models - course B1.gwf that have 11 workflows showing project scenes.

Place the folder structure on your own computer where it suits you. All the workflows are only dependent of the project and will run fine when the project is loaded. The logo is referred to in the saveset of the plot and must be browsed over again in order to run the plot.