Create a new O&G project

Create a new O&G project


Read about Geocap Projects in the main documentation.



Create a new project

  1. Click File > New > Project.
  2. Select General as project template.
  3. Type in a name for your project and specify where you want to save the project.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Generic, Interpretation, Seismic Data and Wells as initial folders and click Finish.

Create a new folder

  1. Click New Folder in the project toolbar.
  2. Select Generic and name it Images
  3. Click OK

Rename folder

  1. Right-click the Generic folder and select Rename
  2. Rename the folder to Cultural Data and click OK.

The following data types will be imported into the project:

  • Coast line (global)
  • Etopo2 (global relief grid ‐2 by 2 minutes resolution)
  • SEG‐Y (2D Seismic)
  • Seismic navigation
  • Seismic processing velocities
  • Map (from tiff)
  • Seismic Interpretation
  • Wells

Data is imported into the project by right clicking on a folder and selecting import.