Map and Cross Section Image

Map and Cross Section Image


Image management and manipulation are part of Geocap's functionality. An image with type Image Data has many options under -> Utilities as well in the shell command ima. A nice image on the screen can be saved as a Screenshot.




Import images

  1. Read about Importing Images in the main documentation.
  2. Find an image on internet and import it.
  3. Create a random surface or use one already generated and map the image on the terrain.



Geo-reference the map

  1. Read about 8. Images and Georeferencing in the main documentation.
  2. Find an image on internet that is correctly georeferenced.
  3. Create a random surface for the same coordinate area or find the corresponding etopo2 dataset.
  4. Drape the image on the terrain.
  5. Save the image as a Screenshot.
  6. Rename the Screenshot and export it.

Vertical calibration


Calibrate cross section

  1. Read about Vertical Image Calibration in General Tutorials.
  2. Try to replicate that tutorial using your own data.
  3. Write a summary of your steps and consider if you can make a workflow out of it.