Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation


Seismic interpretation is primarily meant for interpreting 2D sections. It has the basic functionality like auto tracking and manual interpretation. It is a simple and direct interpretation system which is suited for cases where one just want to interpret the major reflectors.

The features were primarily developed to handle the requirements for interpreting seismic sections acquired in continental shelf investigation where there usually are a limited number of reflectors to interpret. However, the module is general and handle faults and whatever the user wants to emphasize. Thus it may be used in oil and gas interpretation work as an option.

The most obvious difference to state-of-the-art interpretation systems is that all interpretations are performed directly into the seismic section displayed in the 3D graphical window.


Seismic interpretation

The seismic interpretation tutorial is found in the Shelf section Seismic Interpretation.

Read also about seismic interpretation documentation in the User Guide.