01 Generate project window

01 Generate project window

Project window

The project window is an important concept. It defines the area of interest (AOI) of the project. Usually it is equivalent to the grid window; i.e. the area of the grid models of the reservoir.


Generate project window

  1. Zoom to data on the interpretation lines in the project: _02_Time data > Interpretation lines
  2. Display the seismic interpretation lines.
  3. Draw the windows frame by clicking
  4. Set the screen in 2D mode.
  5. Display the border line from the project: _01Cultural > Boundary > border_line
  6. Use Tools -> Quick Digitizer to digitize your own border line and save it. F.inst. name it border_line2.

    The _project window_ is usually set in the *Project Settings* panel under *Data*

    • Click on the tool icon on the project bar.
    1. Look at the other options in the project settings panel.
      Section - Used to change project name.
      Data - Project window that will be activated when loading the project.
      Geodetics - We use UTM 51 S as our projection and WGS83 as our datum.
      Graphics - It is an advantage to erase the screen when loading the project because the no graphics from another area will disturb the current graphics when the system calculates visualization parameters.

      Features regarding the project window

      • All the reservoir grids in the project are usually gridded within the project window.
      • The gridding panels have there own window settings that should for convenience coincide with the project window.
      • If you change the project window and use that as a new grid window you cannot mix grids with different grid window in a reservoir model.

    Project window set in the Data section in project options

  7. The file 01Cultural > Boundary > window_aoi is the window frame as a data set. Whenever you apply Zoom to Data on this data set the project window will be set again. The *window_aoi is also used in the workflows for display purposes. Generate the window frame data set.

    How to generate the project window data window_aoi

    • Do the shell command dra win sav to display and save the window frame.
    • do mlo ^win to retrieve the window dataset from its workspace buffer.
    • Go to the project and do: _01Cultural > Boundary > New > Workspace Data > active to get the active data set into the project.
    • Rename it to window_aoi2 to distinguish it from the one already present.
  8. Display the window frame dataset and click on the axes icon on the toolbar to see the coordinates.
  9. Acivate the compass icon to see the orientation.

Notes about setting a graphical window

  • The graphical window determines what are that will be displayed.
  • When the project is loaded and the *project window_ is set it is equal to the graphical window.
  • The graphical window can be set interactively by using the *z' key when the screen has focus and is in 2D mode and you draw a rubber band.
  • The shell command win xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax will set set window.
  • The project action Zoom to data | Zoom to folder sets the window.
  • The project settings panel can update its data window from the current window.