Highlight layer model folder and read the command Information about the layer model.
Activate the command Initialize the layer model into Workspace. The layer model grids are read into workspace for fast retrieval.
Layer model grids
When the layer model grids are in workspace it is quick to perform cross sections and other calculation.
If a another layer model shall be studied just activate Initialize the layer model into Workspace on the new layer model.
Cross sections will be performed on the layer models grids in workspace.
Create a new Generic folder and give it the name Cross sections and set the schema to Cross sections. Cross section commands will now be visible on this folder.
Perform Do on the cross section folder Display fence type cross section. It will display and the fence data is saved in the cross section folder.
Erase the screen and open the cross section folder perform on the fence data Vertical redisplay from cross section data.
Perform Activate on the cross section folder Cross Legend for cross sectioncolor table.
Image Modified Seismic 2D sections and navigation linesLayers maped with the same color range
Image Modified Detail of seismic and interpretatin lines