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| IntroductionThe documentation describes how to to display wells and wells logs together with seismic in a 3D scene. The presentation has a practical aspect from exploration drilling. After the initial phase with seismic 2D lines the next phase may be to drill wells to investigate further the interesting structures. The involved features in Geocap are: Info |
title | Issues in Geocap when displaying well logs and seismic |
| - Setting up a Geocap project that will contain all the data
- Selecting command object menus into a dedicated set in shared commands
- Reading SEGY files with 2D seismic lines into the project
- Displaying 2D seismic lines
- Reading well files with all the logs in LAS format into the project
- Display the well string and all the logs in the 3D scene
- Reading and displaying well tops information
- Reading and displaying well log images
- Applying a workflow to assist displaying the data
The documentation is a summary of the applied features in Geocap with references to other part of the documentation where the items are explained in more details. |
Setting up a project
A project in Geocap can be generated generic; i.e. along its development. It is however nice to have an initial setup. The project in this text is just called Wells and logs and referred to as the project. Here is the initial setup for the project with wells and seismic lines.
Working with the project manager and setting up a project is explained in project manager introduction Geocap Projects.
Info |
title | Quick explanation of the folders in the project: |
- Images. A folder to contain screenshots from the screen. Just a nice thing to have in order to save an informative display. The screenshots are taken by data->Screenshots
- Seismic lines. A folder to contain 2D seismic lines that are present in the wells area. A seismic line is read by Seismic lines->Import->SEGY-2D
- Well log images. A folder to contain well log images from some paper reports that are saved as images in a picture format (jpeg, png, bmp, etc ) and read into the project. They can be calibrated and displayed in the 3D scene attached to its well.
A well log image is read by Well log images->Import->Generic. Browse in the images and use Automatic reading. - Well tops. A folder to contain well tops. In this case the well tops are taken from NPD's facta pages.
- Wells. A folder to contain wells with all the logs. The wells are usually in LAS format and read into the folder with the LAS reader that is found under Wells->Import->LAS
Example contents of the well project
Selected commands in shared commands
Schema commands and shared commands are essential in Geocap. Read more about these features here: Commands.
For this particular task a set of shared commands has been selected to assist the working process. If you don't have this selected set, download it from well logs, well image and seismic.zip and install it into Shared Commands using the folder icon or Import option. You may also go to the Operation Mode entry and Uncheck all and then only Check the options Wells and Calibration.
A specific workflow has been prepared to guide and steer the application. If you don't have this selected set, download it from Well logs in 3D scenes.gwfzip and open it using the File->Open entry. You must edit all the workflow elements to suit the specific project having relevant data.