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| Getting a well log imageThe documentation describes how to calibrate and display a well log image taken from a well log report; for instance using NPD's facta pages to get NPD's facta reports for a specific well. Save the image of the well logs on disk in an appropriate format (PNG, JPG, BMP etc.). If the report is in a PDF file and you cannot save the image, read in the PDF file with Ghostscript (f.inst) which is freeware and save the image. Read the image into a Generic folder in Geocap using Import and Automatic reading. If the image is greyscale you should set the reader option to read greyscale images as images (not as grids) in the import dialog. Before you import the images you may want to edit the image in an image editor of some kind. (Photoshop, Gimp, Microsoft Paint). This may be removing parts of the image you do not need. |
The actual command object is called Well log image calibration and is found under Images->Additional display. Activate the command object on the preferred well log image.