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Unknown macro: {alias}


grp — Grid points and lines

Unknown macro: {alias}


grp [inc] | [nx ny] | [long] [sca] [ref] [csf] [aux] [ssf] [ssfdis] [rad] [trg] [pav] [mav] [exc] [log] [son] [2dc] [nsc] [mnp] [mrf] [cvf] [2d] [fast] [ext] [int]


General gridding command from input points and lines into a grid surface. Default is parabolic interpolation.


inc xinc yinc

nx ny

long num


trg [gri]

ref reference_grid

csf closed_stick_faults

aux help_lines

ssf single_stick_faults

ssfdis split_distance

rad radius



smo smoothstrength

exc [value]

exc [value] neb

log log_number




nsc number_of_sectors

mnp max_number_of_points

cvf closed_value_faults


ext [par | mav] [ref referencegrid]

int [par] [poi points] [cpo closedpolygons] [ext]



Ex.1: Point gridding

mak ran 11      ;# Make 11 random points
grp 50 50       ;# Make a grid of 50 50 nodes
# Point model gridding
z                 ;# Erase screen
win demo          ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
mak ran 22        ;# Make random points
poi               ;# Display points
grp 70 70         ;# Make grid
map               ;# Misplay map
cco map rev tit {Depth} ; # color code type map, reverse color and title

The above example produces this image.

Examples of parabolic gridding

Ex.2: Interpolation of interior holes

To test the command grp int one can try the following script. Go to File > New Text Editor and paste in the script. Then right click and perform Execute.

xwi sel          ;# force the graphic window in front
z                ;# erase the screen
vie 2 1 1        ;# make 2 x 1 viewports and select the first
win demo         ;# make demo window
mak ran 222 z 1000 4000     ;# Make 222 random points between 1000 and 4000
grp 333 444      ;# Make a grid of 333 x 444 nodes
eli lt 1500      ;# eliminate lower than 1500
mhi gg           ;# save in gg
acm s 1750 500 4000 ;# color bands starting from 1750 and step by 500
sma i 125        ;# spline contours with increment 125
vie 2 con        ;# select viewport 2 and connect to 1
grp int          ;# grid and interpolate holes
acm s 1750 500 4000 ;# color bands starting from 1750 and step by 500
sma i 125        ;# spline contours with increment 125

The above example produces this image.

Examples of interpolation of holes using gridding

See also

gen - Generate grid
gr3 - Grid data into 3D cube
gsu - Grid surface points
fmo - Fast modelling
trg - Triangulate point data

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