txt — 3D text
txt [textsize] [cur | ref | min | cen] [coor] [*x ] [xang] [yang] [zang] [col] [fol] [use] [geo] [lix] [sav] [sticky] [txt] text
Display 3D text. The 3D text will have a 3D structure as default.
Will display the text using text size relative to 1.
cur | ref | min | cen txt text
Will display text at cursor position | reference point | lower left of grid window | center of window .
coor xcoor ycoor zcoor
Position in world coordinates xcoor ycoor zcoor.
x | y | z
The text will be oriented along the x | y | z direction.
[xang] [yang] [zang] xangle | yangle | zangle
The text will have an xangle | yangle | zangle towards the respective axis.
col whi | red | gre | ...
Select color for display.
Use the current color.
Use the follower for the text to follow the camera.
geo [number] [dec dec_number] [format format_number] [ll latlon_number]
Display the geo numbers as text with geographic notation.
lix linear_extrusion
The text will have a linear extrusion in the z direction.
The text will saved as polydata.
The text will be placed on a sticky surface.
txt text
To display a text, put it in braces or double quotes if the text contains spaces.
Related command object
Three dimensional text
The main command object for generating 3D text which also utilizes the txt command.
Ex.1: Three dimensional text
z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white txt 3 lix 10 coor 450000 6454000 2000 txt Geocap ;# Generate 3D text
The above example produces this image.
Text example