col - Set or change color
col [red | gre | blu | yel | tur | pin | whi | bla | bro | next] | [r g b] | [ran] | [sel color_number] [nobgc] | [tab [ctb] [poi]]
Sets the color for the next command to display in single color mode.
No argument or next. The color is set to the next color in the color cycle.
red | gre | blu | yel | tur | pin | whi | bla | bro
The color is set to the specified name and used in the next display operation.
r g b
Enter RGB values between 0.0 and 1.0 for r g b.
Calculate a random color to be used in the next display operation.
sel color_number
Select color by its color_number from the color table.
No background color change. Default is that a white color will change to black if the background is white or close to white.
Will display the default color table used in the color cycle. The color table is formed as a stair.
tab ctb
Will display the default color table used in mapping.
tab [ctb] poi
Will display the color number on the color in the color table.