About this release

Release Date


Updated releases

Release distribution

Geocap 7.1 is available from http://www.geocap.no/downloads to all clients under paid maintenance agreement. 
Please note that you will need a user account to access this page. If you do not already have one, send an email to: support@geocap.no


To install a new license file see our FAQ page and the document Installing on Windows. You do not need a new license if you already have a working Geocap 7.0 license installed.

If you are installing a Geocap 7.x series release for the first time you will need to initialize the license as follows:

Windows 7:
> All Programs > Geocap 7.1.x - xx  > Licensing and right-click Initialize 7.1, then click Run as Administrator

Windows 8.1:
Start screen > Apps view > Search for 'Geocap'. Right-click Initialize 7.1, then click Run as Administrator

Windows 10:
> All apps > Geocap 7.1.x - xx  > and right-click Initialize 7.1, then click Run as administrator.

Supported operating systems

Geocap 7.1 runs on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. It has also been test installed and run on Windows 10.

Both 32bit and 64bit versions of Geocap 7.1 are available on our download page. Both versions can be installed at the same time and projects can be used in both versions. In order to use the DataLink for ArcGIS you need to run the 32bit version. Consult this Microsoft support page to figure out which system type your are running on. 



New commands





New command

Multibeam Survey data


  Ground Model



Multibeam Survey data

 DataLink for ArcGIS

The supported ArcGIS Versions are 10.0 to 10.3

It is now easier to copy data from Geocap projects into a file geodatabase. The datalink dialog has been improved. 

When copying data from Geocap to a file geodatabase:

Features can now be copied from an Esri file geodatabase to a generic folder. The features will be converted to VTK polydata. The spatial reference is also converted and assigned to dataset properties. 

ArcGIS Feature Layer can be copied to a generic folder as VTK data in a project. If a definition query is set on the layer, this is also applied in the copy paste operation. The vtk dataset will be stored in the spatial reference of the layer which may be different than the underlying feature class. 
