workflow - Manage workflows

workflow - Manage workflows


workflow — Manage workflows


workflow open filename
workflow close workflow
workflow execute workflow
workflow createtoolbar workflow
workflow hide workflow
workflow show workflow


The workflow provides a Tcl interface to manage Geocap workflows. Typical tasks involve opening and executing a workflow programmatically.


open filename

Open workflow from file. Returns a workflow as a tcl object. This workflow object is used in subsequent workflow calls to identity the workflow.

close workflow

Close workflow. The workflow argument is the object returned from the call to workflow open.

execute workflow

Execute workflow, starting from the first element that has execution enabled. The workflow argument is the object returned from the call to workflow open.

createtoolbar workflow

Create a toolbar associated with the given workflow. The toolbar provides controls for executing the workflow. This way you can manage the workflow execution without having the workflow view visible. This enables efficient use of screen area.

The workflow argument is the object returned from the call to workflow open.

show workflow

Show the workflow view. The view may have been hidden using the hide argument.

The workflow argument is the object returned from the call to workflow open.

hide workflow

Hide the workflow view. This makes the workflow view invisible. It does not close the workflow. Use the show argument to show the workflow view.

The workflow argument is the object returned from the call to workflow open.

Examples: Opening and executing a workflow

set mywflow [workflow open workflow.gwf]
workflow execute $mywflow