Unknown macro: {alias}
cop — Copy part of a dataset to another dataset
cop x | y | z workspacename
cop xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy
cop fd workspacename
cop z fd fielddataname
cop fd fielddataname z
cop sca fd fielddataname
cop fd fielddataname sca
cop fd fielddataname rem
cop one x x_coordinate [y y_coordinate] [z z_coordinate]
Copy certain columns of a dataset to another columns in the same dataset or to another dataset.
x | y | z workspacename
xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy
fd workspacename
fd fielddataname z
fd fielddataname sca
fd fielddataname rem
sca fd fielddataname
z fd fielddataname
one x x_coordinate