cop - Copy part of a dataset

cop - Copy part of a dataset


cop — Copy part of a dataset to another dataset


cop x | y | z workspacename

cop xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy

cop fd workspacename

cop z fd fielddataname

cop fd fielddataname z

cop sca fd fielddataname

cop fd fielddataname sca

cop fd fielddataname rem

cop one x x_coordinate [y y_coordinate] [z z_coordinate]


Copy certain columns of a dataset to another columns in the same dataset or to another dataset.


x | y | z workspacename

Copy x | y | z coordinate of workspacename to corresponding coordinates of dataset in active.

xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy

Copy internally coordinates from one columns to another on active dataset.

fd workspacename

Copy field data from workspace dataset workspacename to dataset in active.

fd fielddataname z

Copy numeric field data of name fielddataname to z.

fd fielddataname sca

Copy numeric field data of name fielddataname to scalars.

fd fielddataname rem

Remove field data of name fielddataname.

sca fd fielddataname

Copy scalar data to field data of name fielddataname in active data.

z fd fielddataname

Copy z data to field data of name fielddataname in active data.

one x x_coordinate

Copy one x_coordinate coordinate to all x coordinates in active data.

 Similar for y and z coordinates.

See also

del fd , mak fd , mak gpv , swi - Switch coordinates