acp - Actor properties
acp — Set actor properties by actor number
acp [* | id actorid] [del | opa | vis | ambient | diffuse | specular | power]
Graphics is made up by actors. One can toggle actors on and off or assign new graphical properties to them. The acp command tells how to assign new properties to an actor.
Operation is performed on last actor.
id actorid
Operation is performed on actor id actorid. The actor-id actorid can be kept by setting a variable like this: set act_id gvar actorid after a display command.
Delete the actor with id actorid.
opa value
Opacity of the actor. The value is from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is fully visible.
vis 0 | 1
Visibility of the actor. Visibility is 1 (=on) or 0 (=off).
ambient value
Ambient light value between 0 and 1.
diffuse value
Diffuse light value between 0 and 1.
specular value
Specular light value between 0 and 1.
power value
Power light value between 0 and 1.
Ex.1: Display two grids and set low opacity on the first
z ; # erase the screen spe bgc whi ; # specify background color white win 450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 3000 ; # specify the grid window mak ran 11 ; # make 11 random points grp 100 100 ; # grid with 100 x 100 in rows and columns. col red ; # set red color dis ; # display in solid set actor_id [gvar actorid] mak ran 11 ; # make 11 random points grp 100 100 ; # grid with 100 x 100 in rows and columns. col gre ; # set green color dis ; # display in solid acp id $actor_id opa .4 ; # set opacity .4 on the first grid
The above example produces this image of the two grids