clip - Clip dataset
clip — Clip through polydata using a plane
clip [x | y | z axis_value ] [nor] [cen] [rev] [hi] [sca] [off] [sec] [clean] [ncs] [nrg]
This is a polydata clipper using a plane for the clipping. The grid is clipped and converted to a polydata of triangles. See the [nrg] argument to handle decimation if the grid is large. Be aware that for a very large grid and no decimation the polydata size is very large and mapping can be heavy.
x | y | z axis_value
Clip with plane crossing x / y / z-axis at axis_value.
nor n1 n2 n3
Clip with plane having normals n1 n2 n3.
cen xcen ycen zcen
Put the plane center in xcen ycen zcen.
Clip and reverse the clip and clipped away part of the structure.
hi plane_in_workspace
Clip using the plane in workspace plane_in_workspace as clipping plane. The plane is generated by gen pla.
The clipped part has generated scalars.
Clip and reset the clip and clipped away part of the structure.
Generate secondary output.
clean tolerance
Set a clean tolerance for clipping.
Bypass cleaning and stripping in the clipping algorithm.
No regridding (no decimation) when clipping the grid and creating a polydata of triangles.
Ex.1: Clipping a surface with a z plane
ret 10 ;# Restore start window upd u ;# Z axis up_down view is set to up spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white vie 2 1 1 ;# Make 2 viewports mak ran 11 ;# Make 11 random points grp 222 222 ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222 map rng 0 100 ;# Map the grid pla z 55 ;# Draw a z plane at level 55 acp * opa .6 ;# Actor property for current actor, set opacity to 0.6 vie 2 con ;# Select viewport 2 and connect to viewport 1 spe bgc .9 .9 .8 ;# Specify background color to .9 .9 .8 in rgb values clip z 55 ;# Clip with z plane at level 55 map rng 0 100 ;# Map the grid using the same range as before pla z 55 ;# Draw a z plane at level 55
The above example produces this image.
Clipping a surface with a plane
Related command objects
Map land , Map sea
These command objects utilizes the clip command to get an exact clipping of the surface at zero level.
See also
clp - Clip with closed line, ctp - Cut data with a plane, cut - Cut grid data, elc - Eliminate and clip