ctp - Cut data with a plane

ctp - Cut data with a plane


ctp — Cut polydata or grid with a plane


ctp [x | y | z axisvalue] [nor] [cen] [ref] [cur] [scaoff] [scaon] [clean] [ncs]


Will produce a cutline from a grid or polydata set.


x | y | z axisvalue

Cut with a plane crossing x | y | z axis.

nor n1 n2 n3

Cut with plane having normals n1 n2 n3.

cen xcen ycen zcen

Put the plane center in xcen ycen zcen.


Cut through the reference point.


Cut through the cursor position.


Generation of cut scalars.


No generation of cut scalars.

clean tolerance

Set a clean tolerance for clipping.


Bypass cleaning and stripping in the clipping algorithm.


Ex.1: Cutting a grid crossing x axis

win demo          ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi       ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11        ;# Make 11 random points
grp 222 222       ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222
map               ;# Map the grid
ctp x 453000      ;# Cut the grid crossing x axis at 453000
col bla           ;# Black color
pol 2             ;# Draw cut line with line width 2

The above example produces this image.

Generating cut line in a grid

See also

clp - Clip with closed line, cut - Cut grid data, ref - Reference point, gen - Generate grid, pla - Plane generation, zap - Zap (or snap) to data