ref - Reference point

ref - Reference point


ref — Reference point


ref [cen] | [win] | [dat] | [poi] | [coor] | [loc]


Make a reference point in the graphical window. The reference point is often used as a reference in other commands. e.g. poi ref will display a point at the reference point, or rot 30 will rotate a dataset 30 degrees around the reference point.


No argument, only the command ref
Will make the reference point equal to the cursor position


Will make the reference point equal to the center of the window.


Will make the reference point equal to the origo of the window.


Will make the reference point equal to the minimum values of the active dataset.

poi [point_number]

Will make the reference point equal to the coordinates in point_number (default 0) of the active dataset.

coor x y z

Will make the reference point equal to x y z coordinates.

loc x y z

Will make the reference point equal to the location point pluss x y z values.

See also

poi ref, rot - Rotate a dataset, txt - 3D text