pro - Probing in cube
pro - Probing in cube
pro — Probing in cube
pro cube_in_workspace
This is a command for sampling (or probing) data kept by one dataset into a plane or polydata structure. Applied in depth conversion using velocity cube.
Name of workspace holding 3D-grid. Probes polydata in active into cube_in_workspace to get cube values as scalars.
Ex.1: Probing in cube
# Any polydata with scalars can be probed into # a 3d cube and get corresponding scalar values. vie def ;# reset viewport ret 10 ;# return start window spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white osc x ;# view from x dra win ;# draw window frame gen 30 30 70 ;# generate 3d grid mak ras ;# make random scalars dis ;# display cube act o .4 ;# set opacity mhi gg ;# move high to gg mak ran 7 ;# make random points cur sav num 100 ;# draw curve and save mhi cc ;# move high fix min ;# set to fixed min value pol ;# display line mhi mm ;# move high to mm mlo cc ;# move low cc fix max ;# set to fixed max value pol ;# display line mak tri mm ;# make triangle cells mak lin dis 2 ;# make line with distance 2 mak til ;# make triangle inside line pro gg ;# probe gg map ;# display probe plane
The above example produces this image.
Cube and probing of planes
See also
igg - Interpolated grid to grid, tma - Texture mapping, zap - Zap (or snap) to data