tma - Texture mapping

tma - Texture mapping


tma — Texture mapping


tma [zlevel] [rng] [opa] ; # Will produce a flat and fast display using seismic color table

tma workspacename ; # Will display the grid in workspacename onto a white surface with texture coordinates displayed on the screen; see example 3.

tma sur [ima] ; # will make a surface texture map using default color table unless ima is specified

tma hi workspacename ; # will texture map the grid in workspacename onto the grid in active


Texture map a grid in active. When producing a flat image the seismic color table is used. When producing a terrain map, the default color table is used.


No argument. The grid in active is texture mapped.


The grid in active is texture mapped at the zlevel position.

rng range1 range2

Apply the color table between range1 and range2. Valid for all options

opa opacity

The undefined part of the grid will have opacity between 0 and 1.


An application of tma is found in the command menu Terrain image on grid.

Ex.1: Texture map with color range

z                            ;# Erase screen
win demo                     ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi                  ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11                   ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100
tma rng 2000 3000            ;# Map using range from 2222 to 3333
cco rev col bla nsh s 2000 200 3000 tit "Range"  ;# Color texture legend

The above example produces this image.

Texture map with color range and legend

Ex.2: Texture map a grid onto another grid

z                            ;# Erase screen
win demo                     ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi                  ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 18                   ;# Make 18 random points
grp inc 70 70                ;# Make grid with increment 70 x 70
mhi gg                       ;# Move to workspace gg
mak ran 11                   ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100
tma hi gg                    ;# Texture map grid gg onto grid in active
cco rev col bla nsh tit "Range"  ;# Color legend

The above example produces this image.

Texture map with color range and legend

Ex.3: Texture map a grid onto a polydata surface

z                            ;# Erase screen
win demo                     ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi                  ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 18                   ;# Make 18 random points
grp inc 70 70                ;# Make grid with increment 70 x 70
mhi gg                       ;# Move to workspace gg
mak ran 11                   ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100
mak p                        ;# Make polydata
mak tex                      ;# Make texture coordinates
col whi                      ;# Select white color
dis                          ;# Display surface in whi
tma gg                       ;# Texture map grid gg onto polydata in active
cco rev col bla nsh tit "Range"  ;# Color legend

The above example produces this image.

Texture map with color range and legend

See also

dis - Display active dataset, map - Map display