vol - Volume calculation

vol - Volume calculation


vol — Volume calculation


vol [acc] [gau] [are]


Volumetric calculation on grid. Result of a volume calculation is placed in @volume which can be retrieved to a Tcl varible by set vol [gvar volume].


No argument. Calculate the volume of the active grid.


Accumulate the volume into the volume variable.


Calculate volumes after four corner point geometry using gaussian quadrature.


Calculate the area of the active grid. Result of a area calculation is put in @area which can be retrieved to a Tcl varible by set area [gvar area].

Related command object

Volume bulk calculation

Calculate bulk volume for a reservoir structure.

Read also about volume calculation in the user guide.


Ex.1: Volumetric calculation

# Calculate volume of a grid down to a level
set level 2500               ;# Set the level
z                            ;# Erase screen
win demo                     ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi                  ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 5                    ;# Make random points
mhi pp                       ;# Save data
sav 4                        ;# Save window
ewi 30                       ;# Expand window 30%
mak ran 22 z 4500 5000       ;# Make randowm values within z range
ret 4                        ;# Return window
eli iwi                      ;# Eliminates inside window
mlo pp app                   ;# Append with saved data
# The dataset will now most likely have a dome structure
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make grid with increment 100 x 100
mhi mygrid                   ;# Move the grid to workspace
eli gt $level                ;# Eliminate greater than level
sub $level                   ;# Subtract to zero level
mul -1                       ;# Multiply with -1
und 0                        ;# Set undefined values to 1
vol                          ;# Calculate volume
mak p                        ;# Make polygrid
mhi volgrid                  ;# Save in workspace
mlo mygrid                   ;# Get structure grid
mak p                        ;# Make polygrid
mak rsc volgrid              ;# Replace scalars from volgrid 
map                          ;# Map the grid with volume on top
con n 11                     ;# Contour 11 levels
pla z $level                 ;# Draw a plane at level
acp * opa 0.4                ;# use opacity
tx2 lle col bla txt "Z::$level Vol: [gvar volume]" ;# Text with volume number
cco rev s 0 500 3000 tit "Volume" ;# Display color legend

The above example produces this image.

Volume displayed on the surface

See also

add - Add to dataset, und - Undefined change