rep - Replace

rep - Replace


rep — Replace


rep lo | hi workspacename


Replace undefined parts of a structured point grid in active by defined gridcells from a maching grid in a workspace.


lo workspacename

Replace undefined parts of the grid in active by defined nodes from the grid in workspace workspacename.

hi workspacename

Replace undefined parts of the grid in workspace workspacename by defined nodes from the grid in active.


Ex.1: Title-of-example

z                            ;# Erase screen
win demo                     ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi                  ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11                   ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make first grid with increment 100 x 100
eli gt 3000                  ;# Eliminate greater that 3000
mhi fgrid                    ;# Move to fgrid
mak ran 11                   ;# Make 11 random points
grp inc 100 100              ;# Make second grid with increment 100 x 100
eli gt 2000                  ;# Eliminate greater that 1500
rep lo fgrid                 ;# Replace undefined parts with defined in fgrid
map                          ;# Map using range from 2222 to 3333

The above example produces this image.

Replace undefined in a grid with defined in another grid

See also

bmo - Border model grid , eli - Eliminate points , igg - Interpolated grid to grid , lgo - Logical operation for grids , und - Undefined change