vie - Viewport handling
vie — Viewport handling
vie nx ny number
vie number | next| pre | coor [con]
vie def | del
vie 1 1 1
Viewports are rectangular sub-areas of the screen or a plot.
nx ny number
Make nx times ny viewports and use viewport number number as the active viewport. Default, the present display will be moved to the lower left viewport. If you do not want that display, erase it.
Select viewport number number.
Erase all viewports and reset to one viewport (the whole screen).
del [number]
Delete active viewport [or viewport number number].
Go to next viewport.
Go to previous viewport.
number | next | pre con
Connect camera from present viewport to the number | next | pre viewport. This will make the viewports suitable for parallel display of two datasets.
1 1 1
Create an initial viewport for coordinate selection.
coor x1 y1 x2 y2
The coordinates are in virtual display coordinates from 0 to 1. x1 y1 is the lower left corner, x2 y2 is the upper right corner left. NB! Needs a vie 1 1 1 viewport as a base.
Will connect the viewport camera to the previous.
Ex.1: Viewport scenes
# One can copy geometry to scalars and then to another # scalar set of another surface thus displaying # one surface as scalars on top of another. vie def ;# reset viewport ret 10 ;# return start window vie 2 2 1 ;# set up 4 viewports, select first mak ran 11 ;# make random points grp 70 70 ;# make grid and scalars ssc ;# self scale mak p ;# transform grid to polydata acm n 11 ;# map display mhi grid1 ;# move grid to hi grid1 vie 2 con ;# select viewport 2 and connect to previous mak ran 11 ;# make new random points grp 70 70 ;# make new grid mak p ;# transform grid to polydata acm l ;# map display mhi grid2 ;# move grid to hi grid2 vie 3 con ;# select viewport 3 mak rsc grid1 ;# replace scalars from grid1 acm l ;# map grid1 on top of grid2 con l ;# contour grid1 on top of grid2 vie 4 con ;# select viewport 4 map ;# map grid1 on top of grid2 con l ;# contour grid1 on top of grid2
The above example produces this image.
Connected viewports
See also
xwi - Window on screen, win - Window specification, ssc - Self scale of data