spe - Specify parameters
spe — Specify parameters
spe act | arr | amb | bgc | cam |cfc | col | csh | ctb | cur | deb | dec | dfc | dif | dis | dlev | fch | fn | gridrot | imi | lig | liw | lco | loc | map | mar | mcntr | mes | mfc | mrg | opa | pab | pad | ref | scaleinz | textjus | tic | trc | tub | txn | vtk
Specify various parameters, settings or switches. These setting will effect the performance and behavior of Geocap.
act on | off
Will turn on/off actor collections. By this command the user can decide what will be within one actor unit.
All graphics within an on/off limit will behave like one actor.
arr number | off
Specify use of north arrow in separate viewport. There are 6 arrow types.These arrows may be replaced by the toolbar compass.
amb value
New actors will have this ambient value. (Range 0.0-1.0)
bgc red/gre/blu/.. | r g b
Set background color for screen in red/gre/blu/.. or rgb-vales r g b (between 0 and 1).
bgc ran lig | dark
Set random background color [random light | dark background color.]
cam sep angle
Specify separation angle in degrees for stereo separation. Default is 2 degrees.
cfc factor
Specify cursor factor in cursor setting. Will affect the size of the cursor point.
col [csh] factor
Specify color table for color cycle. [Use the shorter color table.]
col cur | nco | rng | sat | val | con
col color - Specify cursor color (red/gre/blu/yel/pin/tur/bla/whi/bro).
nco number [csh] - Specify number of colors for cyclic (map) color table. [Set the csh color table].
rng r1 r2 - Specify color table range.
sat r1 r2 - Specify saturation table range.
val r1 r2 - Specify color value range.
con col1 col2 - Specify colors for line contours (col1) and highlighted contours (col2). col1 and col2 must be a named Geocap color, i.e. red/gre/blu/yel/pin/tur/bla/whi/bro.
csh [ran | on | off]
Color shift for each command cycle.
ctb rev [off]
Reverse the color table.
ctb create [num _number_of_colors] [def]
Specify an active color table with 9 (default) number of colors. Can be set using num argument. Must be referred to in map by map act .. or just map if def is used.
ctb val index red/gre/blu/.. | r g b [def]
To set color value into the color index, starts at 0. def is the default color table. Otherwise must be referred to by map act.
ctb sat [off] | saturation [all]
Specify color table saturation between 0 and 1. (Default=0.7). Low saturation will give a pale map. Unless all is given saturation will only effect the standard color table and the use of two color tables. off will turn off using saturation in any color table.
ctb lid num number_of_colors [val ligth_value]
Specify random color table going from ligth to dark with number_of_colors number of colors. To indicate the start value (between 0 and 1, default 0.3) of the light color, use val ligth_value.
ctb set map | tex | color_table_name
Specify a color table from the color table menu list to be used in [gvar ctable range] or in map mtb or in some script menus like manipulator mapping for instance.
Special options concerning the color table menu list
The following options can be used in a script application where the standard color table in the lower left toolbar is manipulated dynamically according to mapping options of different data types. The mapping commands in Geocap will, when using script commands, apply the standard color table for mapping range and color specification. The script can then operate several color tables by allocating different ones as the standard color table, and reset the default standard color table after mapping.
spe ctb savestandard
Will save the standard color table in the lower left menu bar.
spe ctb returnstandard
Will return the saved standard color table into the lower left menu bar. This is meant to be done if the application has temporarily inserted a new standard color table.
spe ctb set color_table_name
Will copy (clone) the color table color_table_name so it can be manipulated without interfering with the original.This color table is referred to as the cloned color table.
spe ctb updatestandard
Will update the cloned color table into the standard color table in the lower left menu bar. The mapping commands will use this color table because it uses the standard color table.
spe ctb savetable [color_table_name]
Will save the cloned color table to the color table menu list using a default name extension or color_table_name.
spe ctb par [data | absolute min max | percent min max | number number_of_colors]
Will insert new parameters into the cloned color table in accordance with the options in the color table.
cur cel | poi
Specify cursor action to cell or points for 3D polydata. Used for editing data in actor pickable mode.
deb on | off
Specify debug message on/off.
dec number
Specify number of decimals in number displays. Default is 0.
dlev number
Specify display level in decimation (0 - 4). 0 is no decimation,1 is default.
gridrot rotation
Specify grid rotation.
imi [off]
Specify immediate return by right click in cursor mode. Used in 2D digitizing.
liw linewidth [off]
Specify linewidth in pixels (1, 2, 3 ...) / Turn off line width setting.
lco on | off
Specify use of local origo on/off. Will affect data sets when imported.
loc [pnr point_number] | [cur] | [x y z]
Specify the location point of a data set. If no argument the placement will be at the first point.
Optionally specify point number using pnr point_number argument.
Or the cursor position using cur.
Or the x y z position.
The location point can be used together with the reference point to control the translation of a data set.
lod number
Specify number for level of details (default = 2000) in vtk map display.
lod dur _update_rate*
Spesify desired update_rate. Default = 40. A higher update rate will give more LOD-behaviour.
mar number
Specify point marker symbol from 0 to 9. 0=sphere, 1=cube, etc.
mar sphere | cub | con | tet lin | cro | tri | lin | cyl | use
Specify point marker symbols by name. spe tet lin = Specify the marker symbol tetra in line mode.
mcntr on | off
Specify use of memory control on/off.
mcntr lst
List memory control values.
mcntr max_size_of_grid max_number_of_normals max_size_of_regridding
Specify memory variables.
mes on | off
Specify application message on/off.
mrg factor
Specify margin factor of the screen for 3D window frame.
opa opacity
Overall opacity for new actors. (Range 0.0-1.0)
pab on | off
Pickability on/off. Tells if the generated actors are pickable or not.
pad number_of_blanks
Specify the number of blanks to be padded in the 2D text before (if left adjusted) or after (if right adjusted). Then one can display numbers on both sides of a coordinate position with blanks in between.
scaleinz on | off
Useful for 2D plots. spe scaleinz off will disable the scaling of the z axes and will stabilize the plot especially when the x and y axes are very unequal spaced and annotated.
textjus left | right | center
Specify position of text and numeric display; either left (default), right or center.
tic on | off
Specify use of tic marks in axes display using the axe command.
trc number [off]
Specify truncation to number digits in number display. Truncates the values digit on axes.
Tube settings
number_of_sides | off - Specify number_of_sides in the tube. Default, cubes are displayed with six sides. Lower number of sides gives faster graphics but less rounded tubes.
scalar max_vary_factor [off] - The tube will vary with the scalars. [Turn off].
vector max_vary_factor [off] - The tube will vary with the vectors. Default max_vary_factor is 10. [Turn off].
txn 3d | 2d | vec | off | font | bold | italic | sha | sticky
Text font for numerics
3d - Set textfont to 3d font.
2d - Set textfont to 2d font.
vec - 3d and 2d vector text.
off - Set textfont off.
font 0 | 1 | .. - Set font types for textfont to 0 / 1 / ...
bold 0 | 1 - Set textfont bold (1, default) or nobold (0).
italic - Set textfont to no italic (0, default) or italic (1).
sha - Set textfont no shadow (0, default) or shadow (1).
sticky [off] - Use sticky surface when displaying values.
txt vec | src
Set 3D text to vectorfont (default) / source font.
vtk on | off
Turn display in VTK on / off. Useful for turning off VTK plotting while producing postscript plots.
See also
col - Color setting , cur - Curve display , poi - Point display , tub - Tube generation