tub - Tube generation
tub — Tube generation
tub [size] [las] [col] [dra] [sav] [vesc] [nsi] [map]
Polygon display in tube mode.
No argument. Draw a tube for polydata using default settings.
Apply size of tube, relative to 1.
Will save the graphics of the tube as a dataset.
vesc [factor]
Vary size by scalars. Will draw the tube according to the scalar values. Used in 3D log display.
To set up a size directly in meters use a negative value; i.e. tub -200 vesc $vfac -- will display the tube with a max size of approximately 200 meters.
vfac is calculated like this:
set hmm [gvar doublebr 489] ; # get millimeter i x direction
set kmm 200 ; # the tube size in this example
set vfac [expr $kmm / $hmm] ; # the scalar factor in this example
Draw the last line back to first point in the cell.
Tube the cells independently.
col [ran]
Tube the cells with color shift (at random).
nsi [number_of_sides]
Specify number_of_sides in the tube.
Map the scalars of the tube data.
Ex.1: Random lines displayed as tubes
z ;# Erase screen win demo ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000) spe bgc whi ;# Specify background color to white mak ran 6 ;# Make random points cur sav nodraw ;# Generate spline curve col red ;# Red color tub 10 ;# Tube the line mak ran 7 ;# Make random points cur sav nodraw ;# Generate spline curve col gre ;# Green color tub 15 ;# Tube the line mak ran 5 ;# Make random points cur sav nodraw ;# Generate spline curve col tur ;# Turqouise color tub 23 ;# Tube the line
The above example produces this image.
Random lines displayed as tubes
See also
cur - Curve display, dis - Display active dataset, pot - Polygon with tube