rca - Run camera
rca — Run camera
rca [coor] [use] [tes | dra | col | del | ang] [foc] [s] [hei] [cam] [fnr | lfc | ffc] [cfc | mfc | opa] [nac | low | fix] [ffi] [uma] [ima [step] [format bmp | tiff | png] ]
Run camera along a line of points. The cam command is applied in the Tools menu: Camera flight tour.
Camera heights are recorded.
cfc | mfc | opa
Clip factor / Marker factor / Opacity of marker.
coor ex ey ez fx fy fz
Coordinates of eye (ex ey ez) and focal point (fx fy fz).
Focal fix point. The camera always face a fixed position. The fixed position is the reference point which can be set by spe ref x y z
fnr | lfc | ffc
Focal number / Low focal factor / Focal factor times height.
Second curve as focal point curve.
hei height
Height above flight trace for eye position.
nac | low | fix
No actor / low focal number / camera fixed.
Use start-zoom. Start by flying towards the focus point.
tes | dra | col | del | ang
Test / draw / color / delete / angle mode.
Use last setting.
Use the active marker as focal point. Default is the cube.
ima step
Write out an image for every step. Define the output file by dyn rca filename.
format bmp | tiff | png
Set the prefered image format.
See also
ret - Return window, sav - Save window, wmp - Window manipulation