lok - Lookup operation

lok - Lookup operation


lok — Lookup operation


Single lookup transitions:

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy] ;# Indicates which two coordinate axes to use.

lok value hi workspacename ;# Lookup transition

Lookup handling if input value is outside lookup curve

lok ... nol nolookupvalue | ext ;# setting nolookupvalue or extrapolation

Lookup transitions for active dataset:

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy] hi workspacename ;# Lookup transition

Fast lookup transitions for active dataset:

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy] fast init [resolution_size (default 1000)] ;# The lookup curve is converted to a dense result buffer of resolution_size.

lok hi workspacename  fast ;# Fast lookup transition using the input value as entry in the resolution buffer for direct lookup result. No extrapolation is allowed.

Multiple lookup transitions:

lok up | pml | wlc | wel | mlp | mlc ;# See separate documentation


A lookup curve is a way of transforming a point trough a curve. In Geocap all curves have xyz-coordinates. Default lookup is between the y and x coordinates. The functionality of lookup curves are collected under the lok command. The system operates with single and multiple lookup curves.

A lookup curve is a curve in a plane. An input entry on one axes goes parallel with the other axes until it hits the curve. The lookup value is found by going parallel with the first axes down to the second axes.

Arguments single lookup transitions

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy]

Indicates which two coordinate axes to use as entry and exit of the lookup operation.

lok value hi workspacename

The lookup curve is in workspacename. Input value is value. The result is saved in @lookup. To assign it to a variable: set lup [gvar lookup] 

Arguments for lookup transitions on active data

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy]

Indicates which two coordinate axes to use as entry and exit of the lookup operation.

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy] hi workspacename [nol no_lookup_value | nol keep | rem | ext]  [dlo]

dlo - Display lookup curve.

nol no_lookup_value - Use no_lookup_value outside lookup range.

nol keep - Keep values unchanged outside lookup range.

rem - Remove values outside lookup range.

ext - Extrapolate values outside lookup range.

Fast lookup transitions on active data

lok [xy | xz | yx | yz | zx | zy] fast init [resolution_size]

The lookup curve in active is converted to a set of lookup values placed in a buffer of resolution_size. Default resolution size is 1000 if not entered. Do this initialization first using the fast and init argument as well as specifying the lookup coordinate axes. The lookup curve should also be placed in workspace workspacename .

lok hi workspacename  fast

Fast lookup transition on active data using the input value as entry for calculating an index in the result buffer for direct lookup result. No extrapolation argument is allowed. The accuracy of the result depends on the size of the result buffer. The values in the result buffer are calculated through interpolation when they were created, but no further interpolation takes place when a value is returned..

Arguments multiple lookup transitions

A set of lookup curves are spread across a horizon. A grid node can be converted using a blend of lookup curves in the node's neighbourhood.

The multiple lookup feature is used normally in depth conversion of grids in case there are many wells in the area. Each well has a separate lookup curve for time to depth. A node in the grid to be depth converted will be influenced by the surrounding lookup curves and get lookup values for all of them using the node as input. The result is calculated by the preferred interpolator using the distance square to the wells as a blending criteria. Although the algorithm was specified and used for depth conversion it is quite general if one has many lookup curves spread laterally across the grid.

See separate documentation.


Ex.1: Lookup transitions

# Lookup curves
vie def              ;# reset viewport
ret 10               ;# return start window
spe bgc whi          ;# specify background color to white
sta 0 0 0            ;# stack x y z coordinates
sta 20 40 0          ;# stack x y z coordinates
sta 100 100 0        ;# stack x y z coordinates
rea ter              ;# read 3 stacked points
cur lin sav nodraw   ;# spline curve, save and no draw
poi num 0            ;# display point number 0
pot                  ;# tube the polygon
mhi mm               ;# move lookup curve high to mm
col bla              ;# color black
dra win              ;# draw window frame
d2                   ;# set in 2d mode
axe adhx 15 tic      ;# draw axes with tic marks and tune vertical x placement
sta 20 60 25         ;# stack x y z coordinates
sta 30 40 60         ;# stack x y z coordinates
sta 60 80 80         ;# stack x y z coordinates
rea ter              ;# read 3 stacked points
set xx [gvar xwin]   ;# set xwin value in tcl syntax
set yy [gvar ywin]   ;# set ywin value in tcl syntax
mhi pp               ;# move pointset high to pp
swi xzy              ;# switch y and z
sca x 0              ;# x values are scaled to 0
tra $xx 0 0          ;# shift x values by xx
sca z 0              ;# z values are scaled to 0
add 50               ;# add 50
col yel              ;# yellow color
poi val fol yco      ;# display y coordinate values
mlo pp               ;# move low from pp
lok yx hi mm dlo     ;# perform lookup transition
mhi ll               ;# move high the new pointset
col red              ;# color red
mlo ll               ;# move low the transformed pointset
swi zyx              ;# switch x and z
sca y 0              ;# y values are scaled to 0
tra 0 $yy 0          ;# shift y values by yy
sca z 0              ;# z values are scaled to 0
add 50               ;# add 50
col tur              ;# color turqoise
poi val fol xco      ;# display x coordinate values

The above example produces this image.

Lookup transitions for three points

See also

mak - Make datasets, cur - Curve display