elc - Eliminate and clip

elc - Eliminate and clip


elc — Eliminate with clip functionality


elc lt | gt | bet | out


This command works primarely on polydata. All grids of type structured points will be transformed to polydata. The clipping edge will be made up with triangles.


gt val [rval]

Eliminate dataset values greater than val [replace by rval]

lt val [rval]

Eliminate dataset values less than val [replace by rval]

bet val1 val2 [rval]

Eliminate dataset values between val1 and val2 [replace by rval]

out val1 val2 [rval]

Eliminate dataset values outside range from val1 to val2 [replace by rval]


Ex.1: Eliminate and clipping

win demo          ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi       ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11        ;# Make 11 random points
grp 222 222       ;# Make grid of dimension 222 x 222
map opa .5 rng 1000 4000 ;# Map the grid with opacity 0.5 and fixed range
dis opa .5        ;# Display the grid with opacity 0.5
elc gt 2777       ;# Eliminate and clip greater than 2777
map rng 1000 4000 ;# Map the grid with same range

The above example produces this image.

Eliminate by clipping through cells

See also

clip - Clip dataset, clp - Clip with closed line, eli - Eliminate points