bmc - Border model edge clipping

bmc - Border model edge clipping


bmc — Border model with edge clipping


bmc [nx ny | inc xinc yinc] [gri hiname_grid] [sav] [dis] [bol] [win]


Will produce a polydata grid with exact clipping of cells along the closed input boundary when input is a closed line.

Mainly used for visualization purposes. A grid in workspace can optionally be input to the clipping.

One nice application is to display closed license boundaries directly onto a subsurface grid structure so that the display follows the terrain topology.


No arguments, the grid will have the same number of rows and columns as the last grid that set the grid variables.

nx ny

Create a poly dataset with nx times ny cells.

 inc xinc yinc

Create a poly dataset with cells of increments xinc yinc.

gri hiname_grid

The boundary will be used to clip a grid in workspace hiname_grid.


To be used when there are many cells in the dataset. Will save the closed cells in an external file. The first cell can be accessed by get bmcgrid 0Cell k+1 can be accessed by get bmcgrid k.


Will display the result polydata grid.


Will display a border at the edge.


Will only use polygons within the window.



Ex.1: Clipping a grid towards an edge

        # a grid is placed in workspace higrid
        vie def ini  ; # view initialization
        vie 1 1 1 ; # get first overall viewport
        bmc gri higrid ; # border model with clipped grid cells toward grid in higrid
        acm i 100  ; # acm with increment 100
        spe col con 0 0 0 1 0 0 ; # black and red color in line contours
        sma i 25 csh 100  ; # line contours and color shift every 100
        vie coor 0.05 0.05 0.35 0.35 ; # get small viewport
        col bla ; # black color
        poll ; # show grid cell structure

The above example produces this image.

Grid clipped exactly at the boundary of a closed polygon

See also

bmo - Border model grid