bol - Border line

bol - Border line


bol — Border line


bol [linewidth] [nrg] [sav] [tub] [col] [edge] [fang] [flat] [sma] [nodraw]


Generate and draw a border line around a grid or a triangle structure. The border line may be used to outline the grid for display purposes, or it may be extracted as a separate dataset (argument nrg) for further use.



Draw border line with line width linewidth where linewidth is [1, 2, 3 ..]. 1 is the thinnest line, one pixel in width.


Apply no regridding (decimation) of the grid.

col red | blu | gre |pin | tur | yel | whi | bla | bro

Display the border line in color red / blue / green / pink / turquoise / yellow / white / black / brown


Save the border line in workspace ^bol. Make it active by mlo ^bol. The saved border line contains many cells or line pieces. To sort the line pieces together into a continuous line do the command mak sortpl. This is necessary if one wants the border to be one consecutive line.

tub [factor]

Display border line as a tube. The factor is a number larger than 0, relative to 1 (default), giving the thickness of the tube.


Display internal and external edges of the dataset.

fang feature_angle

Controls the edge finding property. feature_angle is ...? The old Geocap logo uses fang 60.

flat level

The border line result is displayed at z-level level. E.g. bol flat 200 will display the border line at z=200.


The border line is produced with the sma contouring command. That means the border is sorted sequentially.


No display of border result. Often used with argument sav, where the border line is saved in a workspace.


Ex.1: Borderline around grid

# read any grid
bol 3 col red
col bla
pol x sel 10   ;# draw every 10th gridline in x-direction
col bla
pol y sel 10   ;# draw every 10th gridline in y-direction

Red border line from bol 3 col red

Border line produced by Additional Display > Border line, blue


scaz off                      ;# set scale in z to default
d3                            ;# set to 3d
upd u                         ;# set z direction upwards
z                             ;# blank screen
rea $Geocap::geocapdir/data/logo_text.vtk   ;# read text
win -100 100 -100 100 0 100   ;# set window
col .6 .7 .9                  ;# set rgb color
bol tub fang 60               ;# border of logo-text
rea $Geocap::geocapdir/data/logo.vtk    ;# read logo
col whi                       ;# set color to white
cur                           ;# draw spline

Old Geocap logo, using bol

See also

bmo - Border model grid, trg - Triangulate point data, ski - Skirt generation, son ppg