poll - Polygon display of cells

poll - Polygon display of cells


poll — Polygon display of cells with lines.


poll [liw] [las] [all] [sav]


Draw cell structures with lines.


liw linewidth

Display with line width linewidth.


Display also the last line in the cell connecting it back to the first point.


Use to display interior cells that are normally not visisble in an unstructured grid.


Save the diplayed version as active data.


Ex.1: Mapping grid and draw lines

z                        ;# Erase screen
win demo                 ;# Get demo window (450000 460000 6450000 6460000 1000 4000)
spe bgc whi              ;# Specify background color to white
mak ran 11               ;# Make 11 random points
grp 22 22                ;# Make grid
map                      ;# Map the grid
sub 5                    ;# Subtract to get a good display           
poll 2                   ;# Display lines in grid 

The above example produces this image.

Map and lines in grid

Ex.2: Display line structure

win 450000 460000 6450000 6460000 2500 4500  ;# set a window
mak ran 55                                   ;# make 55 random points
poi 3                                        ;# Display the points, size 3
trg                                          ;# triangulate to a surface
map opa .5                                   ;# map the surface with opacity
col blu                                      ;# set color to blue
poll liw 3                                   ;# Use poll to display structure

The blue lines are displayed by poll

See also

map - Map display, dis - Display active dataset, pol - Polygon type display