win - Window specification

win - Window specification


win — Window specification


win xwin xwax ywin ywax zwin zwax

win cen | out | cur | dat | sto | rea | z


Set the graphical window in various ways. The extent of the window will always be in @xwin @xwax @ywin @ywax @zwin @zwax , i.e [gvar xwin] [gvar xwax] ... etc. See /wiki/spaces/ref/pages/6979704.

The graphical window plays an important part in Geocap. Many algorithms and display features work inside the window like gridding for instance.


xwin xwax ywin ywax zwin zwax

Specify the new graphical window. If the value 999 is used for any of the arguments, that window value will not be changed.

rea winfile

Read windowfile winfile from disk and activate the new window.

sto winfile

Store windowfile winfile to disk.


Get a window around the cursor position. If you want to get closer, do the command over again. Internally the previous window is saved with sav 13.


Will update the window coordinates with the min and max values of the data without any scaling of the graphical window.


Make a quick zoom towards the center of the screen.


Make a quick zoom out of center of the screen.


Make a rubber band zoom to set the window.

z val

The win z val option followed by a rubber band draw will set the x y rubber band coordinates into the @variables @xgmin @ygmin @xgmax @ygmax. The Tcl access is [gvar xgmin] as an example. The rubber band box in this case is saved in workspace ^rub. One can also draw the rubber band box by dra rub.

The graphical window will not be changed.

See also

sav - Save window , ret - Return window , ssc - Self scale of data , vie - Viewport handling , xwi - Window on screen , zoom - Zoom on screen