xwi - Window on screen

xwi - Window on screen


xwi — Window on screen


xwi [stereo | del | sel] [pixels] | [xpixels ypixels] [con] [tk] [exist] [toplevel | top] [fullscreen | fsc] [xyscale]

When a graphical standalone window is generated there are a few manipulation commands that can be used to control the behavior:

xwi min | max | fullscr


Handling of display window and its parameters in the graphical screen. The graphical display window is called an xwindow or just window.



The graphic window will be stereo-enabled.

del [1 | 2 | 3 ...]

Delete (remove) the last graphic window [or xwindow number 1/2/3/...].


Create an quadratic window display with sides pixels pixels.

xpixels ypixels

Create a window display sized xpixels times ypixels pixels.

sel number

Select xwindow number.

con number

Camera is connected to xwindow number.

exist number | name

Check if an xwindow exists by its number or name. The result is placed in the return code [gvar rc] and as a Tcl return code (0 or 1) using [xwi exist name] .

Example of checking if a window exists

xwi exist 3
set doesexist [gvar rc]
#will set the variable $doesexist to 1 if the xwindow does exist, and -1 if not existing.

subframes no_of_subframes

Set the number of sub frames for doing motion blur. The default is zero. Once this is set greater than one, you will no longer see a new frame for every Render(). If you set this to five, you will need to do five Render() invocations before seeing the result. This is not very impressive unless something is changing between the Renders.

toplevel | top

To get a toplevel stand alone window.

fullscreen | fsc

To get a toplevel fullscreen stand alone window.

xyscale scale | off

scale : To establish a specific plot scale in the current graphical window; like 1:scale. The window will be set into 2D mode and the zoom button will be disabled. To enable the zoom button go into 3D mode.
off : Turn off the scale. Will enable the zoom button.


Will minimize the window.


Will maximize the window.


Will maximize the window to absolute max size without any toolbar. One can use the Esc button to switch back to normal.


Ex.1: Setting a specific scale on a graphical window

        win demo            ;#  get the demo window
        xwi xyscale 100000  ;#  establish scale 1:100000
        mak ran 11          ;#  11 random points
        grp 111 111         ;#  make a grid
        map                 ;#  map the grid
        sma i 250 can ans 2 ;#  spline map
        axe tic             ;#  dra axes
        tx2 lle col bla txt "Scale 1:100000"

The above example produces a similar image.

The demo window plotted in scale 1:100000

Ex.2: Plotting the Atlantis grid in scale 1:20 000 000

        # Setting scale
        xwi xyscale 20000000 ;#  scale 1: 20 000 000

The Atlantis grid plotted on the screen in scale 1:20 000 000

See also

vie - Viewport handling, win - Window specification