- HyperCUBE super-grid: The HyperCUBE super-grid is creating a grid based on several hypotheses from the depth data. In addition to the depth grid this algorithm can also create the attributes Uncertainty, DepthHypotheses and HypothesisStrength as output in the cube_depth_surface. This
This depth estimation algorithm is implemented for multibeam data only. This algorithm is currently not available in Geocap Seafloor.
Grid increments
Specify the increments:
- Number of Hypotheses Surface: When using the depth estimation algorithms Nodal estimate algorithm or HyperCUBE super-grid this option can be checked. The DepthHypotheses values will be an attribute in the cube_depth_surface.
- Hypothesis Strength Surface: When using the depth estimation algorithm HyperCUBE super-grid this option can be checked. The HypothesisStrength values will be an attribute in the cube_depth_surface. Since the algorithm HyperCUBE super-grid is currently not available, this output will not be possible.
The Results
After executing the volumetrics a dialog will pop up showing the parameters, result and volumes from the calculations. The report itself is saved in the project structure in a folder named Reports under the same folder as the command is executed from. The report itself is named as YYYYMMDD CUBE (the name of the executed command).