When the Seafloor package is loaded, the menu bar in Geocap will contain a Seafloor pulldown menu.
The Seafloor pull down in the Geocap menu bar
The upper part of the menu is a menu bar with the entries File, Edit and Help:
The Menu bar
The available tabs will be dependent on the features in the license file. For Geocap Shelf users the tab menu will only have the XYZ data part.
The tabs for Shelf
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The XYZ data tab
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The Multibeam Sonar tab
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The Single Beam tab
The Working with Charts part
The Working with Charts part
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The Chart commands tab
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The Utilities tab
If there are several folders of the same type in the project, a dialog will appear.
The Utilities (2) tab