This page contains release notes for the Seismic Server web client.
Release 2.2.24 (14-AUG-2020)
- This is a cumulative release note for several recent releases.
- Measuring is now supported. Measure distance and depth in 2D or 3D across any number of datasets. Choose between planar or geodetic calculation.
- The z scale field allows for direct keyboard input.
- Added support to make elevation rasters transparent within a given z range. This can be used to make everything above or below a particular level (ie sea level) transparent.
- Boreholes and logs can now be displayed in seismic 2D window
- Background color can be set from the settings dialog.
- Seismic sections are now shown as a gray frame when sliding. This improves interactive performance when navigating through a volume.
- Parameters on scene objects that are not visible are now also stored in scenes.
- Bugfix on zoom to well head.
- Bugfix: Background color is now stored in json scene.
- Bugfix : A memory leak that set a treshold on the number of seismic lines that could be displayed at once has been fixed.
- See the Web Client documentation for more information.
Release 2.2.15
- Table of contents now supports folders.
- See the Web Client documentation for more information.
Release 2.2.0
- Geocap Viewer widget
- Support for registering the widget in ArcGIS Portal.
- The GeocapViewer widget now has a configuration GUI from within Web App builder that lets you upload a startup scene. Manually The widget is now fully self contained and manually modifying any files used by the app or widget is no longer required.
- General GUI improvements
- Support for setting the raster extent to current view, see the Settings pane for raster objects in the TOC.
- Support for selecting particular tiles in a Mosaic service. The Add Data dialog will list tiles if you enter a mosaic image service
- Seismic data can be filtered by amplitude values. See the Settings pane for seismic objects in the TOC.
- Double click on an object in the 3D viewer to center the point of focus and rotation
- Display improvements
- Loading of 2D seismics is not now faster
- Feature layers can be displayed by using the map rasterization of the layer. This will preserve all symbology set for this layers in the map service. When adding a layer url feature layer url in the Add Data dialog choose the Add as map raster option.
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