How can I enlarge Geocap icons on my 4K monitor?

Monitors with resolution higher than 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) are usually called 4K. Applications created on and for HD typically get tiny user interface elements such as icons on 4K monitors. This is also the case for Geocap 7.1. Fortunately there is a solution in Windows 10 to remedy this. Here is how to enlarge your Geocap icons on 4K monitors:

In Windows File Explorer navigate to the bin folder of the Geocap installation directory. The bin folder of a typical 64-bit Geocap installation is shown below:

Right-click on the geocap Application file (geocap.exe) - which is highlighted above - and select Properties. In the geocap Properties dialog, select the Compatibility tab. Under Settings check Override high DPI scaling behavior and select System (Enhanced) from the corresponding Scaling performed by combo box. After Apply but before OK, the dialog should look like the one below:

The difference in Geocap 7.1 user interface before and after is shown below.