qtreewidgetitem - item contained in a QTreeWidget

qtreewidgetitem - item contained in a QTreeWidget


qtreewidgetitem — item contained in a QTreeWidget


qtreewidgetitem itemnames type

qtreewidgetitem treewidget itemnames type

qtreewidgetitem parentitem itemnames type


The qtreewidgetitem command creates a QTreeWidgetItem object. These are used to populate a qtreewidget in a hierarchical manner. The qtreewidgetitem command returns the newly created item object.

Items may have text and/or icons. These appear in columns created with the qsetheaderlabels command. Text and icons are set using the qsettext and qicon commands.

Tree widget items are arranged hierarchically in a tree-like structure. An item may play the role of parent, child or sibling as illustrated in Simple QTreeWidgetItem.

No items can be added to a treewidget before the header columns are in place.



A Tcl list containing item names, one for each column.


An integer denoting the class to which this item will belong. This is a freely chosen number that divides conceptually similar items into groups. You could choose to have all items containing JPG images have the same type identifier. Later you can assign a rightclick menu to this class using the qsetmenu command.


The tree widget in which this item will created. The item will be a top level item.


Parent item for the item to be created.


Ex.1: Simple QTreeWidgetItem

    set w [qwidget ]
    qsetwindowtitle "QTreeWidget"
    set layout [qvboxlayout $w]

    # Create tree
    set tree [qtreewidget ]
    qaddwidget $layout $tree
    qsetheaderlabels $tree { Name Type }

    # Icon file
    set folder_file [file join $Geocap::geocapdir icons fileopen.xpm]

    # Create icons
    set folder_icon [qicon $folder_file]
    set item [qtreewidgetitem $tree { "My File" JPG } 1 ]
    set item [qtreewidgetitem $tree { "Folder" "" } 2 ]
    qseticon $item 0 $folder_icon

    set item [qtreewidgetitem $item { "Letter" TXT } 1 ]
    qshow $w

See qtreewidget for more advanced use of the tree widget.