qsettracking - enables continous mouse tracking in slider

qsettracking - enables continous mouse tracking in slider


qsettracking — enables continous mouse tracking in slider


qsettracking [slider] 0 | 1


The qsettracking command enabled or disables tracking for a slider. If tracking is enabled, the slider will invoke its callback commands for each step of the slider movement. If tracking is disabled the callback command will be called only when the user releases the mousebutton.

Tracking is enabled by default.



An instance of qhslider or qvslider object.

0 | 1

A '1' or '0', which enables or disables tracking, respectively.


Ex.1: Set tracking

set w [qwidget]
qsetwindowtitle Slider
set layout [qvboxlayout $w]
set slider [qhslider 1 10 puts]
qsettickposition both
qsettracking 0
qaddwidget $layout $slider

qshow $w

The example above creates a slider with tracking disabled. The call to 'puts' will therefore be called only when the user releases the slider handle. The slider value will be appended to the 'puts' command.