Change the Vessel Configuration
The configuration parameters for a survey line can be changed in two ways, either by editing the parameters in the actual vessel configuration, or by replacing the configuration with another.
The Edit Vessel Configuration dialog
The Hardware tab in the Edit Vessel Configuration dialog.
The Edit Vessel Configuration dialog is opened from a vessel configuration by right click and select Edit.
The dialog shows the vessel configuration name and has four tabs:
- Hardware
- Mount parameters
- Processing parameters
- Standard deviation parameters
The Hardware tab
The Hardware tab contains information about the multibeam echo sounder make, the input file type, hardware configuration and datagram content.
It is also possible to set up the type of motion sensors and gyro. This information can be used by the standard deviation parameters tab, and for example by the CUBE command. The information is not automatically detected when importing the survey lines.
The Mount parameters tab
The Mount Parameters tab in the Edit Vessel Configuration dialog.
The Mount Parameters tab contains four to seven tabs dependent on the multibeam echo sounder setup. The options are:
- Single transducer for both transmit (TX) and receive (RX)
- Single TX and single RX transducer
- Single TX and dual RX transducers
- Dual TX and dual RX transducers
In addition the Mount parameters tab contains the other tabs:
- Motion Sensor
- Position System
- Other (contains the draft only)
Each tab holds the parameters for the actual type of sensor value. The tabs contains three columns, one with the type/name of the parameter, one with the Current Value, and one with the File Value.
The Processing parameters tab
The Processing Parameters tab in the Edit Vessel Configuration dialog.
Create new vessel configuration