Q. Other Topics
In this section:
Shelf and Geocap in general contains a lot more functionality than we have been through in these tutorials. This section highlights some of these topics.
Maritime Zones plugin
Maritime Zones plugin extends the Shelf package with additional capabilities for calculating maritime zones. It works directly with ArcGIS feature classes and can calculate any maritime zone from both normal and straight baselines. The calculation also extracts critical points for each zone and store them in a feature class. More information here: https://geocap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ug/Maritime+Zones+plugin
Equidistance lines and weighted midlines
It is possible to create equidistance lines and weighted midlines between nations. The command is available on the base line schema.
Composed grids
It is possible to combine grids of different resolution into a composed grid and then produce bathymetric profiles from the composed grid.
More information here: https://geocap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/art/Composed+grids
Area Generator
The Area Generator (AG) is an automatic project generator that is used to chop out portions of the world from a database of global or regional data. Select an area by latitude and longitude, select data to include, select datum and coordinate system and click one button to automatically produce a Geocap project. More information here: www.geocap.no/doc -> Geocap Extensions
Graphic Export
The graphics window in Geocap can be exported to a range of different formats. Select File > Save graphics as.
It is also possible to copy the graphics window to clip board using Ctrl + C, and then pasting into powerpoint etc.
It is possible to create your own commands and scripts in Geocap.
More information here: https://geocap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ug/Scripting+commands+with+a+menu
The Function command
The Function command enables you to manipulate datasets in many different ways. You can find this command in the Operations folder.