


To begin using the Ground Model add-in, you need an active Ground Model license and a registered user. The Ground Model add-in utilizes a cloud-based licensing system, ensuring seamless access to its features. If you haven't registered your user yet, you can do so by sending an email to support@geocap.no or contacting your system administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to license the add-in:

  1. Launch ArcGIS Pro on your computer.

  2. Open a new or existing project.

  3. Click on the "Ground Model" tab in the ArcGIS Pro ribbon.

  4. In the “License” section, click on the “Sign in” button. This will open up a sign-in page in your web browser.

  5. Enter your credentials (username and password) associated with your Ground Model license.

  6. Click ok to proceed

Once you are successfully logged in, the license button on the "Ground Model" tab should display "License OK," indicating that your add-in is now licensed and ready to use.

If you frequently use the Ground Model add-in, you will not need to log in every time you launch ArcGIS Pro. The application is designed to remember your credentials and automatically consume a license, providing a seamless user experience.User Interface Overview