2500 Meter Isobath

2500 Meter Isobath


The 2500 meter isobath can be calculated based on bathymetric data. The commands for generating the 2500M isobath is located on the Bathymetric profile schema for single beam bathymetry, and on Seafloor schema, for bathymetric grids.

In this section:

Displaying the 2500 meter isobath

Right click a dataset with the schema seabed and select the command Display 2500m isobath.

Generating the 2500 meter isobath

In order to create the 2500 meter isobath + 100 nautical miles, maximum outer limit criteria, right click the dataset you want to use as a base of calculation, and select the command Generate 2500m Isobath.

The command generates and stores the 2500 meter isobath of the dataset. If the display window is in 2D mode, it will only create the isobath inside the display window. This way you may restrict the area of calculation.

If the command is executed on a grid, the result will be the contour line at 2500 meters. If the command is executed on a profile (a line), the result will be the points on the line where it crosses 2500 meter depth.

The result is stored in the folder 2. Seabed / 2500 meter isobath. When the 2500 meter isobath is created, you can create the 2500 meter isobath + 100 nautical miles by right clicking the 2500 meter isobath data set, and selecting the command Generate 100 M line. The line will be stored in 1. Maritime lines / 100M lines. You may want to edit the isobath before you run the distance calculation. This can be done using geocap's edit points and lines command.