Additional Exercises

Additional Exercises


The following exercises are just suggested for further training topics, and may not be explained in detail.




Make a movie

Use a workflow or just use a the command Flight Tour to create a movie in avi format.


Check out "Shared commands"

Import and activate our shared commands and see if there are commands you do like. The shared commands are found here: Shared Commands. Just follow the instructions on the page.


Hello World!

Type the following line into the shell and press enter:

qinformation Information "Hello World"

Observe the popup. This is a Geocap GUI (Graphical User Interface). Study the examples in the Reference > QTcl section of the documentation and observe that it is fairly easy to build your own front ends to Geocap. Combined with the internal scripting language and Tcl, this is a very powerful tool.


Install the script system "Area Generator Mini"

Read about the Area generator, download the scripts and follow the step-by-step procedure here: Area Generator

Chop out a portion of the world and build the project.


The function command

Try the function command to time-convert your seabed surface.

z = 2000 * z / 1490


Composed grid

Use two or more grids of different resolution (e.g. Etopo1 and a multibeam grid) and create a composed grid. Do an FOS-analysis across this composed grid. Read more about composed grids in the Article section of the main documentation.


Combine parts of two bathymetric lines into one single bathymetric profile

Use the Outer Limit Tool to do this.

  • Copy two ore more bathymetric lines into a sub folder of 4. Outer limit. You may prefere to create a new folder.
  • Open the Generate Outer Limit Dialog from the 4. Outer limit folder.
  • Carefully read the In-panel help under the question mark.
  • Use the tool and especially option m to digitize a new bathymetric line.
  • Use this new line for an anayysis.