The Project
The project can be found to the left in the Geocap interface. This is where you organize data and execute commands on different datasets. Datasets are organized in a hierarchical folder structure similar to the way files are organized on your computer. Read more about how to open or create geocap projects.
In this section:
The Project toolbar
You can find the project toolbar on top of the project tree.
The arrow next to the icon provides you with three options, create a new folder on top level, create another copy of the tree view, or connect to an external data source.
-Saves your project.
-Paste in a folder on top level in your project tree.
-Lets you view all datasets with the same schema as the one selected in the project.
-Lets you change your project settings. Read more about project settings below.
-Close - Closes your project.
Project settings
Project settings lets you edit details about your project so that they are loaded every time you open up the project.
The different settings are:
- Changes the name on your project. Note that the project file on disk will not change.
Data window
- Changes the default extent of your graphics window when the project is opened.
- Changes the default Z-axis direction for the project.
Geodetic settings
- Sets geodetic properties for the project
Background color
- Changes the default background color in the graphical window in the project
- Changes the default scale in Z direction for the project.
Project Organization
The image below shows a typical example of how a project would look like:
Typical project organization
At top level you will typically have a collection folder which can contain folders with different schemas. A folder will contain one or several datasets, while datasets can have none or several actors. Actor is a graphical term for a visualization unit. Read more about actors in the visualization chapter.
Folders and datasets can me moved between folders by using cut/copy and paste, found on the right-click menu of a dataset or folder.
Project View
There are two project views available:
List view
- sorts folder content into a separate window.
- allows for multiple select on datasets.
Tree view
- everything is sorted in to one tree view.
- does not support multiple select of datasets.
You can change between these to views by clicking the tabs.
List view to the left and tree view to the right
Creating folders
To create a folder at the top level in your project:
- Click the down arrow next to the icon and select New Folder.
- Select folder category. Select Generic if no other category applies.
- Type in a folder name and click OK.
To create a folder inside another folder:
- Right-click the parent folder and select New > Folder.
- Select folder category. Select Generic if no other category applies.
- Type in a folder name and click OK.
Project right-click menu
By right clicking on an item in the project you can:
- Execute schema commands relevant for the specific dataset you have selected. You can control which commands to appear on this menu. Read more about: Customizing the Interface.
- Cut, copy and paste between folders or rename and delete any dataset the same way it is done in Windows.
- Send and assign data sets to and from the workspace. Read more about: Workspace and Shell commands.
- Assign a schema to the dataset. Read more about: Schemas.
- Display the dataset in table view. Read more about: Table View.
- Zoom to the dataset you have selected.
- Access the datasets properties. Read more about: Data Properties.
There is also an option for doing multiple cut, copy, delete and schema assignment on data sets in a folder.
Other facts about the project
- Geocap can have multiple projects open at the same time, and data can be copied between projects using copy/cut and paste.
- Geocap projects are cross-platform, thus a project can be used on Windows and Linux platforms interchangeably.