Optimizing the Outer Limit Line

Optimizing the Outer Limit Line


Having digitized the outer limit line as described in the documentation the outer limit line will normally result in a line that still can be optimized with regard to the delineation rules of the new boundary. All bays in the derived line can optionally be shortcutted with a new line up to 60 nautical mile length. These shortcut lines will increase the area between the baseline of the country and the new outer limit line.

The optimizing algorithm is based on minimizing the angles govering the outer limit line. It ususally will increase the area inside the outer limit line, but there is no guarantee that optimizing gives the maximized area. To achieve the maximized area one has to use the methods described in Maximizing the Outer Limit Line. This procedure is however quite technical and difficult to some people and they may settle with the optimization. Be aware that Geocap personnel can assist in the work if needed to achieve the ultimate goal of maximizing the outer limit line.


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