Visualizing Well and Borehole Data

Visualizing Well and Borehole Data

AGS or LAS data can be displayed in the Geocap viewer, both in the 3D and 2D scenes, but also in the dedicated log viewer. When a file has been read the feature class can be found in the specified geodatabase in the ArcGIS Pro catalog pane together with other associated feature classes. For AGS files the feature class of interest commonly ends with _LOCA. For LAS files the class of interest is the Wells Feature Class created before importing the LAS files. Drag and drop the feature class into the map. There is no need to drop in the other associated feature classes.

Create a Geocap Viewer. In the Ground Model toolbar, click Add Data From Map. The feature class will now be available in the Ground Model table of contents. When expanded, the well/boreholes in the feature class will be available. When checked the well/borehole items will expand and display the associated logs. These can now be displayed in the active window in the Geocap Viewer.

Visualizing Logs in 3D Scene

Activate a 3D scene in the Ground Model Viewer. Check off the well/ borehole data you wish to display. (Make sure the parent items are checked too). The data should appear in the 3D Viewer.

Alternatively, you may use the display button on the GM toolbar to select a well/borehole in the map window. This will toggle on the selected well/borehole in the TOC, but you may need to open the well/borehole and toggle on the data of interest manually.

You may right-click any item and click Zoom To to position the element in the viewer. At first you might only see the well/borehole/log from the top and might need to rotate the 3D scene a bit to get a better view.

Log scale adjustments can be made by opening the settings menu for the parent folder for the log (right click parent folder and select settings). In the Advanced Tab, pick the log of interest and drag the dot under Symbol Size right or left to adjust log scale. The scale will update on the fly. Click OK to exit the settings menu.

Displaying Logs in Cross Section Viewer

To project logs onto seismic in the active cross section veiwer it is necessary to use the buffer tool to snap the logs into the 2D plane. By specifying a Buffer Distance (distance in meters on each side of the seismic line) and activating the buffer on the GM toolbar a buffer zone will appear in the map around the seismic line shown in the 2D scene. Adjust the buffer zone so that it covers all data to be projected on to the seismic. To display the logs of interest on the seismic in the 2D scene, they need to be toggled off in the TOC (Make sure the parent items are checked too).  

Note that the buffer includes data based on symbology and not the actual location of the borehole. This means that if zoomed far out, data that is visually within the buffer zone might not be displayed on the seismic.

The Log Viewer

The log viewer is opened by clicking the Log Viewer button on the Ground Model Toolbar. When the logs of interest are toggled off in the TOC they will appear in the Log Viewer. Note that all parent levels need to be toggled off for a log to be displayed.

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