Visualizing rasters, surface grids, DTMs etc.

Visualizing rasters, surface grids, DTMs etc.

Rasters/surfaces can be displayed in the Geocap viewer 3D scene. In the viewer 2D Scene and log viewer the raster intersections can be displayed as intersection lines.

Rasters will appear in the active viewer within a few seconds after they have been toggled off in the TOC. If the cross section viewer is active, and the surface intersects with the seismic line displayed, the intersection will be shown as a continuous line. If the log viewer is active and the log displayed intersects with the surface, the intersection depth will be indicated. In both cases the intersection line will be displayed in the same color as the surface has in the 3D scene

Surface settings, a color legend and X, Y and Z axis are available by right clicking the surface in the TOC.

In some cases draping data onto a surface can be helpful. If you for example wish to drape sidescan sonar (SSS) data onto the bathymetry. Right click the SSS data and select settings. In the data settings, locate the bathymetry by scrolling with the small bar to the lower right. Select this as the elevation raster and click apply. To get the best display, narrow the data range to fit your data by adjusting the min and max values by dragging the dots at the bottom to fit the data range. If a different color scale is required, this is changed under the display tab. In the SSS case, a black and white color scale is suitable. This is found by selecting color lookup as the coloring method and scrolling and selecting the B&W colors scale at the bottom of the pane.

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