Tide Correction

Tide Correction

In this section:


This command will perform tide correction on the dataset. A requirement is that the dataset contains a DateTime column. The command will modify the selected dataset(s).

The command is available from folders of schema types Single Beam and Soundings.

The Tide Correction dialog.

The content of the menu

The upper part of the menu contains the project name and the name of the active folder.
The rest of the menus has the parts:

  • The Input tide values file part
  • The Dataset part
  • The Tide correction mode part

The Input tide values file part

Click the open folder button to browse for the selected tide value file.

The format of the tide value file id "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.sss Tidevalue", see the the example:

20080609121000 1.22
20080609122000 1.09
20080609123000 1.00
20080609124000 .92
20080609125000 .86
20080609130000 .82
20080609131000 .81
20080609132000 .83
20080609133000 .86
20080609134000 .92

It is also possible to have separated columns for date and time (NHS tide format). Then the date is specified with year at the end and the tidevalues are in centimeters.


ddmmYYYY hhmmss value
02082010 121000 20
02082010 121100 31
02082010 121200 44

Any delimiter (except space) can be used between the dd, mm and YYYY fields, and the hh, mm and ss fields.

The tide correction will perfomed as:

Corrected depth = Depth - Tidevalue

Reverse sign will change the sign of the input value in the tide value file.

The Dataset part

Select in the list on which datset(s) to perform tidecorrection.

The Tide correction mode part

The command can be executed with three different options:

Apply means that the tide value will be applied on the original depth.
The applied tide value will be saved in a TideValue column.

Remove means that the depth value will be set back to the original value.
The value in the TideValue column will be added, and then the column will be removed from the file.

Append means that the tide value will be appended to the original depth.
The appended tide value will be added to the value in the TideValue column.